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Register for the # 1 Digital Event of the Year

Join us for ICMI's Contact Center Expo:
A Digital Event on April 23, 2025!

Unlike most virtual events which can feel like consecutive webinars, we invest in delivering an interactive, community-focused experience that’s rooted in practical and actionable information and customized networking.
Register at NO cost!
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Call for Speakers!

Are you ready to share your expertise with the contact center community? Now is the time to put your thoughts together and submit your proposal for ICMI's Contact Center Expo in Orlando, FL on
October 27 - 30, 2025.

Proposals are open now thru April 4, 2025!
Submit Now

The #1 Contact Center Event

Mark your calendars- we are back in Orlando on October 27 - 30, 2025!
ICMI's Contact Center Expo delivers expert strategy and insight into the technologies and concepts you need to know to plan, manage, and optimize your contact center.
Save the Date

ICMI Awards: Call for Nominations

Start your nomination (s) today!
Accepting nominations in 14 categories, the ICMI Awards honors and recognizes the companies, contact centers, and individuals that provide a platform for leadership, vision, innovation, and strategic accomplishments in the profession and their industries. The deadline for nominations is May 30, 2025.
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Become an Exhibitor

ICMI's Contact Center Expo unites professionals looking to enhance the customer experience with the latest technologies and services. Don't miss the chance to meet this highly qualified group of active buyers in person in 2025!
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Connecting the Industry with Sustainable and Innovative Contact Center Solutions

ICMI’s Contact Center Expo is designed exclusively for contact center and customer service professionals seeking to advance their contact center strategy and planning, better support their teams, and advance their careers.  

We are 100% dedicated to giving you the tools that empower you to deliver on your business’ strategic goals.


What Our Attendees Say

"This conference was well organized, had excellent speakers, and an engaged audience."

Lindsay Zarr
Customer Solutions Manager , North American Bancard

"Breakout sessions were very informative and learnings can be applied immediately to improve my business."

Rob Ryan
VP Member Services , Life Lock

“The quality of the speakers was excellent and the relevance of the topics was spot on. The keynote speakers were great also. I definitely feel I got my money's worth.”

Susan Litt
Customer Service Manager , Green Shield Canada

"A great opportunity to understand emerging issues and trends, technical possibilities, and real-life examples of centers and issues.”

Marc Hassen
Claims Services Director , Auto Club Group

"I really enjoy seeing what other organizations are doing to meet customer expectations. Through the experiences of others, we learn how our business can best adopt new technology and methods of servicing customers to remain competitive."

Kevin Walker
Customer Care Section Manager , Volkswagen Credit

“The quality of the presenters was very good and I learned a lot of valuable takeaways. I have 3 pages of typed notes.”

Jessica Zupfer
Phone Bank Manager , Bremer Financial

"Quality was a great take away and social networking too. I have come back with a lot of new quality documentation procedures that I want to start in my center."

Cynthia Brittain
Customer Contact Center Manager , Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission

Conference Program

With transformative change impacting contact centers more than ever before, there’s one thing call center professionals can be sure of. The knowledge you gain at ICMI's Contact Center Expo will help you embrace change and move your contact center forward. Here, you will find sessions, training, workshops and resources covering the latest industry topics (from 2024) - including:
• implementing and integrating AI (including chatbots, chatGBT, etc)
• employee retention and managing a hybrid workforce
• upgrading legacy systems
You will also learn about common contact center operational issues related to:
• workforce management
• customer retention
• quality monitoring and delivery
• systems management
• employee experience and engagement

Why Attend

How We Cover AI

Contact Center Expo integrates our coverage of AI into every aspect of the event. From training to workshops to sessions and keynotes, we thread this critical topic into everything we support - versus relegating it to one track. If you're looking for dedicated content, here are a few examples of sessions in 2024:
• Training: Artificial Intelligence in the Contact Center
• Workshop: Mastering the RFP Process: Strategically Procuring AI for Your Contact Center
• Session: Building a Contact Center AI Strategy
• Session: Beyond Chatbots: Augment Your Support Operations With AI
• Session: AI Promise vs. Reality of Contact Centers

Why Attend
Case studies

Case Studies

Peer insights are invaluable when tackling challenges and learning new trends. Tap into leaders from Spirit Airlines, Homeland Security, Fabletics, Nestle Purina, Automattic, and many more market-leading companies that were a part of the 2024 show. Beyond case studies, you’ll gain access to keynotes, networking, and expert-led sessions on the most trending topics across integrating AI and automation, managing a hybrid workforce, and keeping up with operational best practices.

Why Attend
